
Parents of Children Ages 3 - 6 year old

Research study needs typically developing children and children with autism spectrum disorder

October 16, 2014
Researchers at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - New Orleans & Children’s Hospital are seeking participants for an MRI research study to help us learn about the brain bases of language and motor system interactions.

We are looking for: 
•typically developing children, 3-6 years old 
•children with autism spectrum disorder, 3-6 years old 

Participation involves standardized tests, sessions in a practice MRI, and the real MRI scan, completed across 2 or more visits. Testing takes about 2.5 hours, each practice about 20 minutes, and the real scan 20-30 minutes. All activities take place in Uptown New Orleans.

Your child will receive $50 for participation in the MRI and you will receive a report of your child’s performance on the standardized tests.

For more information or to participate, contact Claire at or 504-896-7741.