
Barney's Birthday Bash

We Have 5 Tickets to Give Away to Two Lucky Readers!!

January 20, 2011

5 tickets up for grabs for two lucky MK fans!  Not only will your kids love you (more than they already do), but you can invite friends from a playgroup, a grandparent, you pick.

Here's the info...

Barney is celebrating a birthday and having a "Birthday Bash!" This is a brand spanking new, interactive, live stage concert, featuring more than 25 fun and upbeat tunes! Sounds like a sing-a-long to me!  Some of the favorites to expect: “Mr. Knickerbocker,” “Dino Dance,” “Baby Bop Hop,” and “Rock ‘n Roll Star.

Picture this, you and your little one singing and dancing, flicking your lighters in the aisles with your favorite purple dinosaur and his friends Baby Bop™, BJ™ and Riff™. Okay, forget the lighters.

Here's the info:

Barney Live In Concert - Birthday Bash, Friday, February 11, 2011

Very important: If you win, 5 vouchers will be under your name at the Ticket Office at the New Orleans Arena.  You have to go to the Ticket Office, claim your vouchers and trade them there for tickets. You will be able to pick what show you would like to attend - either the 10:30AM, 3:00PM or 7:00PM all on February 11. The  sooner you get to the Ticket Office to claim your vouchers, the better selection of seats you will have!

Here's what you need to do:

Make sure you are a New Orleans Macaroni Kid e-newsletter subscriber and you like our Facebook page. 

Leave a comment below letting us know you want to win.

Deadline is midnight, Wednesday, January 26, 2011.