

2705 S. Broad Street
Phone: (504) 218-5092Email: info@nolamicroschools.orgWebsite: Visit Website

NOLA MicroSchools is committed to student-driven education, supported by the latest technology and cognitive science, to help each student master core skills, discover and develop his or her talents and gifts, and establish a learning trajectory they will never outgrow.

 The project-based curriculum helps students not only “learn to know”, but also “learn to do” and “learn to become”.

• Socratic teaching methods encourage critical thinking and self mastery instead of teaching, test, drill, test model
• The latest in educational gaming delivers reading, writing and math skills tailored to individual learning styles
• Apprenticeship assignments teach real-world skills
• “Running Partner” relationships develop the interpersonal skills of listening, affirming and hold others accountable
• Time reserved for mindful personal development, the arts and outdoors activities
• Extensive testing of skill levels, learning styles and aptitudes; personality traits and desires