

9 Fortress RoadNew Orleans, LA 70122
Phone: 504 252 4871Email: info@cathedralmontessori.comWebsite: Visit Website

The Montessori method allows children to pursue their interests by choosing from a wide variety of carefully preselected materials. The children are motivated and engaged through academic choice, scientific observation, and collaborative learning.  Self-directed, meaningful experiences at all grade levels allow children to retain knowledge by becoming self-directed learners. Montessori is an alternative to curriculums that transmit knowledge and then test children.

Over seventy years ago, Dr. Montessori reminded us that, “If education is always to be conceived along the same antiquated lines of a mere transmission of knowledge, there is little to be hoped from it in the bettering man’s future” (Montessori, 1949, p. 4). Educators and parents continue to look for answers to the age-old question as to why children do not retain the knowledge they have been successfully tested on.  For example, they seem to be able to memorize words for the Friday spelling test, but on Monday they do not spell the same words correctly when used authentically and in context. Many parents (and teachers) are looking for alternatives to the transmission of knowledge model so that their children will be ready for the challenges presented in the 21st century.

In a recent column, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman also noted a need for a shift in education from a transfer of learning model to a process where the outcome is an ability for the individual to move into a role where they drive their own continuous learning (Friedman, 2018). The Montessori curriculum is perfectly suited to accomplish this goal.

The authentic and relevant Montessori curriculum naturally engages children.  For example, outdoor classrooms and scientific observation and research are experienced throughout the day. When children are engaged and motivated and learn through self-discovery, they easily retain the information.

Please visit the website to learn more about Cathedral Montessori School, or request a tour to see active, self-directed learning in action!

Saturday, October 19  9:00 am - 11:00 am

Friedman, T. L. (2018, January 16).  While you were sleeping. The New York Times.

Montessori, M. (1949). The absorbent mind. Theosophical Pub. House. Amsterdam: The Netherlands.