Young Audiences of Louisiana’s series, Baby Artsplay!TM Presented by The Helis Foundation, engages families with toddlers through 30 minute interactive online sessions. In collaboration with Ogden Museum, the upcoming sessions will feature works of Southern art. This series focuses on sensory play, language development, learning about body part, movement and more!
April 15 – Workshop #1 – My Five Senses (Sensory Play) Develop your child’s awareness of the five senses through play. Featured artwork: Alan Gerson’s Encounter III Nest
April 22 – Workshop #2 – Baby Says… (Language Development) Promote your child’s language development through artful play. Featured artwork: Welman Sharlhorne’s Untitled work
April 29 – Workshop #3 – My Body (Learning Body Parts) Teach your child to identify body parts through music and movement.” Featured artwork: Roy Ferdinand’s Popeye and his Skateboard
May 6 – Workshop #4 – Let’s Move! (Movement) Use movement to encourage your child’s brain development. Featured artwork: Lin Emery’s Mitre
May 13 – Workshop #5 – Up, Down & All Around (Spatial Awareness) Help your child learn basic directional concepts with movement and music. Featured artwork: Keith Duncan’s Second Line
May 20 – Workshop #6 – Get Your Motor Running (Motor Skills) Use artful play to develop your child’s fine and gross motor skills. Featured artwork: Michael Frolich’s Steamer New York, Steaming Upriver
This free six-part workshop series provides engaging arts-based activities designed to instruct caregivers on how to use the arts at home to promote early learning. Lessons are conducted by certified Louisiana Wolf Trap Teaching Artist Nanette Ledet, who has expertly crafted multi-sensory experiences that foster children’s natural curiosity for learning. After each workshop, children and their caregivers can download Young Audiences of Louisiana’s Digital Connection Cards to explore how workshop activities can be continued at home.