
Last Weekend for SuperNova - A Cool Light Show on the Lafitte Greenway

November 19, 2020

Don't miss the last of the Greenway Supernova! It ends this weekend, so be sure to check it out either Friday, December 18, Saturday, December 19 or Sunday, December 20 night from 5pm - 9pm on the Lafitte Greenway.

The Greenway's 5th Birthday has been celebrated with this 2-week spectacle of light and wonder on the brand new Greenway Plaza -- outdoors at a safe social distance. This free, safe, and socially distanced outdoor experience inspires joy and community healing, drive foot-traffic and customers to local businesses, and raise critical funds for the Greenway’s growth in 2021.

Supernova is the first program to activate the new Greenway Plaza, a vibrant and welcoming community space where the Greenway meets the Bayou St. John (approx. 3200 Lafitte Ave) that opened in early December. The Plaza is a transformation of the former driveway and parking of the newly redeveloped Brake Tag Pavilion building–an open-air, covered community space on the Greenway. These 2020 projects have transformed the area from a space designed for cars to a place for people, with public art, seating, stormwater infrastructure, and native plantings.

Supernova will celebrate 10 works of light-based art, including the debut of William Nemitoff’s Iris of Memory–a permanent installation anchoring the plaza site. Supernova will also feature seven temporary exhibitions by local artists, and Michel Varisco’s permanent work Turning: Prayer Wheels for the Mississippi River.

“This fall marks the 5th Anniversary of the Lafitte Greenway’s opening, at a moment when public need for safe outdoor spaces, access to the arts, community connection, and support of local artists and businesses has never been greater,” said Friends of Lafitte Greenway Executive Director, Sophie Vorhoff, “Transforming our annual gala into a celebration of light, joy, and wonder during the holiday season feels like the perfect way to honor the Greenway’s birthday while responding to the community need.”

“NORD is excited to partner with Friends of Lafitte Greenway for this holiday experience,” said Larry Barabino, Jr., NORD CEO.  “Connecting residents to fun, safe opportunities for recreation and community engagement is a priority for NORD, and Supernova is one way we will accomplish this on the Greenway,” said Barabino.

The exhibit will be on view for two extended weekends, and allows visitors to spread out at safe social distances. Masks and social distancing are required.

While Supernova is free for the public to view, it is a critical fundraiser for the Lafitte Greenway. Individuals and businesses have the opportunity to support the exhibit and future Greenway programming and improvements through making a donation. In exchange for donations, participants receive “doubluminary” tokens to exchange for exclusive perks and specials at participating local businesses from December 1, 2020 to January 15, 2021. The “Star Business” program is designed to bring foot-traffic and support to local businesses around the Lafitte Greenway that have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Supernova is generously sponsored by Frischhertz Electric, The Helis Foundation, Ochsner Health Center, Stirling Properties, Wrong Iron on the Greenway, and Friends of Lafitte Greenway’s members and businesses. Learn more about ways to support at

Featuring 10 Luminary Works of Art by:

William Nemitoff

Monique Lorden

Josh Pitts

Nate Scheaffer

Ayo Scott & Breanna Thompson

Josh Smith aka "jdot_smith"

Breanna Thompson & Gabrielle Tolliver

The Virtual Krewe of Vaporwave

Michel Varisco

Luba Zygarewicz